i know that dniz wont ztop ppl from interacting but i ztill have one zo you all know my boundariez. ok cool
general criteria; terfz, pedoz (includez prozhitterz go kys), lgbtphobez in general (including aphobez, panphobez, polyphobez, truzcum, anti-mogai), you know tha drill lawl
"mpzec lezbianz" or whatever. lezbianz cant liek men + you do realize youre implying nonbinary lezbianz cant be, well, lezbianz bc theyre nonbinary, right? right?
anti endoz fuck off
human centipede fanz i know im one too but JEZUZ CHRIZT you guyz are not normal ! zame goez for lemon demon fanz + yttd fanz + etc
bitchez who zupport tom six KYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you interact with/zupport @wealwaysdeliver or @specilcungadero on tumblr + @Uncle__Jack on wattpad.
i cannot tag my hyperfixationz BUT the human centipede, even then i cannot tag Dwight Butler, Martin Lomax, Josef Heiter, Daisy and Dr. Jones
i alzo cannot tag my typing quirkz and dogz! i can tag aggrezzive dogz, and i tag them az "aggressive dog cw"
i rarely pozt irl gore (az in pratical effectz, im not a freak), but itz alwayz tagged az "irl gore cw!" zame goez for irl body horror, but itz "irl body horror cw"
i dont tag zlurz unlezz theyre being uzed in a derogatory fazhion. zame goez for the word queer but i dont tag it az a zlur, but rather az "q word cw"
if dr. sebring ever frontz, do not interact with him under any circumztancez. if you mezzage me or zend me an azk abt it ill tell u why